Registration of ABN/TFN/Companies

An Australian Business Number (ABN) is an 11-digit unique number which gives your business identity to the community and government. An ABN is not a substitute for your tax file number (TFN). However, it is used for numerous business purposes.

After applying for an ABN, you can run your business in entire Australia. ABN enables you to:

  • Confirm the business or corporate identity to others while invoicing or ordering.
  • Avoid the Pay As You Go (PAYG) tax on receipts
  • Claim credits related to GST
  • Obtain an Australian domain

Step to Follow

To carry on business as an Australian resident you need the ABN and TFN. As an Australian resident, you can apply for TFN through the following procedures:

  • Fill the online form
  • Print the application summary and take it to the Australia Post interview.
  • Attend the interview at the Australia Post outlet within thirty days of completion of the form.

After the above steps, ATO will send your TFN within a month.

All of the above procedures need significant time, and patience. If you get involve to carry out this work, you will not be able to do other important tasks.

Therefore, Glorious Business Advisors and Tax Consultants helps our clients to apply for their ABN and TFN work. We can carry above-mentioned hassles for you as well at the most affordable price. So, if you are new to the corporate world and need a business identity, contact us.